Join the Booster Club
Edmond Memorial Football Booster Club membership supports our Bulldog football team in a variety of ways. All money raised stays with the football program. The primary purpose or our non-profit organization is to help fund and support our Bulldog Football Program which includes players, coaches, managers and trainers. Booster membership is open to parents and family members as well as alumni and friends of Edmond Memorial Bulldog Football. Some of the benefits passed on to the football program include:
Team Equipment including headsets, camera equipment for game day footage, etc.
Team Meals, Coaches Meals & After Workout Nutrition
Team/Coaches Apparel
Facilities improvements including locker rooms, Next Level Boards, etc.
End-of-season Banquet
Printed Game Program
Game Video
Training Development and Training Supplies
Team App, Team Playbook, Hudl Memberships, football website & other apps
Make plans to attend the Football Booster Club General Meetings and other events for the 2024 fall season.
General EMHS Booster Club meeting - 7pm/Freshman Academy Cafeteria
This will be a big push to get parents to join the Booster Club, identify Business sponsorships and sign up for committees. Coach Merideth will give an update of Spring/Summer football activities.
Start of Season Parent meeting and EMHS Booster Club meeting - 7pm/Freshman Academy Cafeteria
This will primarily be a parent meeting lt by Coach Merideth with information about the season. Parents can pick up membership incentive items, join Booster club, sign up for committees and pick up info about Corporate Sponsorships.
Board of Directors - 2025
General email:
Treasurer’s email:
Football Programs email:
Edmond Memorial Football Foundation, DBA EMHS Football Booster Club
PO Box 205, Edmond, OK 73083
Thank you, Boosters!
EMHS Football Booster Club Members - 2024
In Memoriam
Shelby Hudson
Ackerman, Aaron & Carrie
Adkins, Gerry & Lea Ann
Akins, Steven & Carrie
Armstrong, Nick & Audrey
Attebery, Alysia
Bailey, Linden & Lauren
Bajema, Billy & Emily
Baker, Brent & Nicole
Baptiste, Renee
Bayouth, Brent & Kelli
Beaulieu, Bill & Diana
Beaulieu, Geoff & Tessa
Bender, BJ
Berg, Elizabeth
Booker, Brent & Pam
Bortmess, Tyler & April
Broomfield, Michelle
Buhlman, Brian & Carrie
Burk, Amy
Byrd, Angela
Clemmons, Nate
Coates, Gemy
Cordy, James & Tana
Craig, Marsha
Crawford, Russ & Kacee
Cunnyngham, Christopher
Cuthbertson, Robert & Holly
Dockum, Christin
Enright, Kevin
Ersland, Elizabeth
Evans, Ed & Beth
Fitch, Kyle & Stacey
Forrest, John & Andee
Freel, Jordan & Amanda
Garrett, Rob & Emily
Gillikin, Joe
Goodell, Jeff
Greenfield, Sue
Hall, Stephen
Hancock, Tonya
Harbor, Joanie
Hearn, Ryan
Henault, Eddie & Jennie
Henderson, Melissa
Hitchings, Brad & Julie
Hudson, Davis & Lisa
Ison, Nathan & Chellie
Jennings, Don & Teresa
Jimenez, Emily
Joyce, James
Jump, Belinda
Kastl-Cobb, Jill
Kelly, Roman & Beth
Kidd, Dylan & Amanda Campbell
Lang, Chip & Lorry
Lesch, Bryan & Tiana
Lopez, Aaron
Martindale, Ty
Massey, Cort & Jacey
Matlock, JW
McGowen, Kendell & Tiffany
McLaughlin, Michael & Rebecca
McMahan, Zann & Tracy
Mead, Wayne & Connie
Merriman, Melisha
Miller, Jason & Karen
Miller, Jenni
Mixon, Cody & Sarah
Moon, Christi
Morris, David & Caroline
Morton, Julie
Moser, Nate & Ashlyn
Nance, Todd & Stacy
Oate, Mark (Land Advisors, LLC)
Odom, Mike & Courtney
Peck, Ty & Rebekah
Polk, Kyle & Betsie
Qerama, Olsi & Amber
Ramos, Emily
Roberts, Bruce & Brittany
Roberts, Precious
Rogers, Stephenie
Rogers, Stephen & Glenda
Rowntree, Alicia
Russell, Kris & Valerie
Ryan, Mike & Heather
Shiever, Mitch & Jan
Skube, Justin & Allison
Sparks, Greg
Spencer, Rob & Rhonda
Stamatis, Justin & Kelli
Stephens, Chuck
Stone, Scott & Kathleen
Thionnet, Jeff & Mary
Thomas, Jared & Kinsey
Thompson, Jeff & Kena
Thompson, Mike (Thompson Educational Furnishings)
Tracy, John & Natalie
Trout, Kevin & Kathy
Vacio, Mike & Clare
Vacio, Pat
Watson, Luke
Weinmeister, Dan & Toni
Wiggins, Kimberly
Wilkerson, Aaron & Leslie
Willams, Brian & Caeli
Willis, Chad & Brett
Wiser, Justin
Wood, Kathryn
Woodard, Brian & Julie
Yowell, Jamie
Future Bulldogs
Backus, Blake
Beaulieu, Hudson
Beaulieu, Sloane
Boecking, Cooper
Boecking, Ford
Cunnyngham, Jackson
Davis, Maddox
Doty, Jack
Foster, Jay
Gillikin, Rylan
Harbor, Colson
Harbor, Griffin
Jones, Tyler
Massey, Cale
Maxwell, Solan Thomas
McMahan, Sloan
Miller, Carson
Mills, Ryder
Moore, Max
Parks, Brycen
Phillips, Graham
Rottmayer, Aidan
Rottmayer, Braelyn
Rottmayer, Nolan
Rottmayer, Paityn
Rucker, Trevor
Swain, Caleb
Thomas, Kase
Woodard, Hallie
Woodard, Henley
Yount, Deegan